Being a Sub-five

Here is my life, being a sub-five on the looks scale. When I was a teenager, before I had to go on medication for schizophrenia, I was a 3 out of 10 on the looks scale, because I was 60kg and 180cm tall.

Now, being roughly 120kg and 180cm tall, I am now a 1 out of 10 on the looks scale. I have a huge belly. It is a medication belly. If I reduce medication, I’ll end up in the mental hospital, where they will put me on more fat pills.

Fat pills are anti-psychotics, because the newer generation of anti-psychotics almost always cause weight gain. I wouldn’t take them if I didn’t need to. But if I don’t take them, I could get seriously unwell.

I remember when I was acutely unwell in 2017, I dropped down to 89kg. But that wasn’t enough, because I gained a whole lot more by taking more medication than needed.

Plus, I’m a sub five, as women will not even consider me, because I don’t have a job. They may be willing to overlook my jobless status if I were a chad, then I could be eye candy.

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